Page name: What if...Stories [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-02 06:07:47
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The wonderful art of words. All you have to do is put your story on a wiki page and message [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós] with the link. Please include a title or the "what if..." prompt as well as your name in the wiki name. If you are new to wiki's and need some help just let a judge know and they can help you.

Update:Starting this month, we are now accepting poems as well. However the poem must still fit in the lines of a story. So it must include basic story elements such as a main character and a plot. If there are any questions about this new feature, leave a comment or send a message to [RiverStar].

Idea Starter: What if all your characters became real?
Deadline: ?, 2007

Entries: Entry11

Previous Entries

Previous Submission Comments
November 15/05 (contest 8)
April 30/06 (contest 9)

What if...Win: See entries from past rounds!

Back to What if...

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2004-01-22 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok... thanx!

2004-01-22 [RiverStar]: you are quite welcome! oh and welcome to the insanity that is what if!

2004-01-22 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: hm... this will be me first contest!

2004-01-22 [RiverStar]: oh well then I wish you all the luck! Maybe you will win your first contest every!

2004-01-22 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: thanx!^,^

2004-01-22 [RiverStar]: you are quite welcome.

2004-01-22 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: soryr.. have to go! bye!

2004-01-22 [RiverStar]: catch ya later!

2004-01-23 [iippo]: aaaand iippo's back! *pats her back* yes, a very nice back it is.... long and stuff. bwebwee, new enterereres..... me ssssooooo happyyssshshsshhshs

2004-01-23 [RiverStar]: iippo......are you alright?

2004-01-24 [Comrade Sam]: *yawns a little and looks around* I really should start working on my story. I am probably going to do it in first person seeing as how it says you. *sighs* too bad these things can only be 4 pages long.

2004-01-24 [iippo]: i never count the pages... does it say somewhere "4 pages"? oops, never noticed that....... yes, i'm fine, i was just really happy about the cool surprise you guys had done in the other page in the coment!!

2004-01-25 [Ariandra]: Where do we post our stories? Are there none entered yet?

2004-01-25 [iippo]: u were sposed to press two.... well you send em to riverstar - email address in her house and the judges page

2004-01-25 [Ariandra]: Cool, thanks!

2004-01-26 [RiverStar]: Ariandra...I have not received any too your other question!

2004-01-27 [iippo]: *nod*

2004-02-01 [iippo]: yay, sent mine today

2004-02-02 [Ariandra]: That must be 2 then, I sent mine a couple of days ago! WHEE!

2004-02-06 [iippo]: ^_^

2004-02-06 [RiverStar]: yes two entries so far, unless i got one today...haven't checked that yet...

2004-03-01 [Cascara Sagrada]: I'm going to send one; eventually.

2004-03-02 [RiverStar]: i'm still working on judging...sorry it's taking so long to get this done guys...

2004-03-03 [iippo]: no worries, tho u could put the new topic up if you have one?

2004-03-03 [Ariandra]: No problem, Riverstar. How many entries were submitted, anyway? 

2004-03-03 [RiverStar]: three i believe....

2004-03-08 [RiverStar]: Winner is [irulan]!!!!

2004-03-08 [irulan]: Wow - I'm very surprised!! Thank you :)

2004-03-08 [irulan]: Is it okay for me to put the trophy in my house? I am excited =)

2004-03-10 [iippo]: congrats!!!! oh, and the new topic is a killer! XD

2004-03-10 [RiverStar]: you like iippo?

2004-03-11 [Barak_the_Blade]: Just a question...are you going to post the other entries for What if...4?

2004-03-12 [iippo]: me like. Barak (love the name btw) you mean the stories? usually they are posted, yes.

2004-03-12 [Barak_the_Blade]: Thank you...for the compliment and the info...I stole the name from a Joel Rosenberg series "guardians of the flame" Kewl series check it out..okay...I e-mail my submissions to RiverStar?

2004-03-12 [RiverStar]: yes submissions are e-mailed to me and I will get the last rounds submissions up soon!

2004-03-14 [iippo]: oh, i thought it was barak from david eddings's barak...

2004-03-14 [Barak_the_Blade]: Yeah...everyone thinks that...I believe that Joel Rosenberg is a big fan of D.E.

2004-03-15 [Jaybo*]: wadda ya recon ;o)  touch of the old initiative there..didga see it..didga didga

2004-03-15 [RiverStar]: Jaybo! Don't edit the page again!

2004-03-17 [iippo]: yeh, u're sposed to write a story on what's here, not write here...

2004-03-17 [RiverStar]: thank you iippo

2004-03-20 [iippo]: arg, evil ppl ruin pages!! this happens evrywhere!! no page anymore can be un-passworded... evil... *sigh*

2004-03-20 [RiverStar]: poor iippo. see what you did Jaybo! You are going to give iippo a nervous breakdown.

2004-03-21 [iippo]: yeh. not to mention all people who powerplay in wiki-rpg's... the world is sooo eeeebil...

2004-03-22 [RiverStar]: aww *huggles*

2004-03-23 [Nere]: how many words? who do we send the story to? 

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: no more than five pages please (12 pt roman times font) and you send them to me at my e-mail, which is displayed everywhere (ie judge's page) but i will state it again for those who haven't seen it

2004-03-23 [Nere]: cool....thankies..... :)

2004-03-24 [iippo]: ^^

2004-03-27 [Nere]: well....i hope you got my entry.

2004-03-27 [iippo]: WROTETH! Mweee moo yay! bwahahah, i'll send it sun...

2004-03-29 [RiverStar]: yaa!! i have entries!! yaa!!

2004-03-31 [iippo]: *applaudes wildly*

2004-05-16 [iippo]: comments here too to make this place LIVE!

2004-05-17 [windowframe]: ....personally I think it's a shame that this place is not used more, being as it has such an uber cool winner badge thing

2004-05-17 [irulan]: and that it is such a cool idea for a contest!

2004-05-23 [iippo]: it's not used anymore?!?! yes it is! i use it! i demand usage!

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: *sigh* is not USED MORE. totally different meaning when there isn't an 'any' in the phrase

2004-05-23 [iippo]: sorry, i got it later on but sorta... didn't fix my self.

2004-07-16 [Maurer's conclusions]: at the top of the page, it is deaDline not dealine...

2004-07-16 [Maurer's conclusions]: When will you have a new contest starter?

2004-07-30 [RiverStar]: there is a new starter

2004-10-23 [Nere]: Are the winners for what 5 ever going to be put up?

2004-10-23 [iippo]: maybe we should change the deadline then... if we're still with the lottery-starter

2004-12-06 [Sagacious Turkey]: what if... goths were gay!

2004-12-06 [Sagacious Turkey]: "hi guys! wanna go sacrafice a lamb?!" "like totally! I just can't get my new pink shirt bloody!"

2004-12-07 [iippo]: GTC here as well??? *gets scared*

2004-12-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: I'm everywhere... or at least, I'm big enough to be...

2004-12-08 [iippo]: hmm, true, Garfield is a fat cat... *lurves odie*

2004-12-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: *mangles odie*

2004-12-08 [RiverStar]: this a new person to submit entries?

2004-12-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: nope...

2004-12-09 [iippo]: oh i thought you wanted to take part (no need to get offensive on odie). so you are only here to watch the contest *is exited, has never seen that happen in wiki contest*

2004-12-09 [RiverStar]: *tears*

2004-12-13 [Sagacious Turkey]: uh... riiiiiight...

2005-03-09 [RiverStar]: new round!!!

2005-03-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: So I gotta e-mail it? can I just message you with the wiki link?

2005-03-22 [RiverStar]: you can send me a msg since yours is already a wiki....i just said e-mail because i don't want long stories in my msg box here.

2005-03-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Yeah that would be :P to go through.

2005-03-22 [RiverStar]: *smiles*

2005-05-06 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: gotta update this one...

2005-05-10 [MusicGuru]: I have a perfect story for the magic in music contest. Its in my Wyvern. Can I just email you al ink to it?

2005-05-10 [RiverStar]: yes please!

2005-05-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: YES!!

2005-05-12 [iippo]: w00t

2005-06-08 [RiverStar]: what does that have to do with anything?

2005-06-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: Abosolutely nothing, whatsoever... why do you ask?

2005-06-08 [RiverStar]: because i wanted to know why you were linking a random page to my contest.

2005-06-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: uh... er... Satan made me do it!

2005-06-08 [RiverStar]: don't blame Satan.

2005-06-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: um... [Mortified Penguin]...?

2005-06-08 [RiverStar]: do you want to try blaming him? I'm sure that won't blow over very well.

2005-06-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: it was a typo...?

2005-06-08 [RiverStar]: yeah...alright....why don't be just end this little discussion while we are ahead, eh?

2005-06-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: we're ahead...? better check the map, there fella'... heh heh... j/k... don't hurt me... *cringes*

2005-06-08 [RiverStar]: *laughs* you are lucky you caught me on a good day...*taps him on the head* now run along...i've got work to do.

2005-06-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: *pants and runs off*

2005-06-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Sure, blame Hedda, I'd love to see that one. *grins evilly in Hedda's direction* oops you didn't see that one

2005-06-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: *twitch* ...who's blaming hedda...?

2005-06-11 [iippo]:  >.< Why is Turkey here?

2005-06-11 [RiverStar]: *laughs* wow...alright.

2005-06-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Turkey? what turkey? *looks around*

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: Yeah... what turkey...?

2005-06-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh... your name is Turkey backwards...

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: quiet, you!

2005-06-12 [RiverStar]: *laughs* wow...this is really random!

2005-06-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I'll be quiet when I want to :P

2005-06-12 [iippo]: Murgle.

2005-06-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: murgle?

2005-06-12 [iippo]: Yeeaaahh... I had to murgle at Turkey's nonsense. He is... well... murgle.

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: murgle?! I don't even want to know...

2005-06-12 [RiverStar]: wah! stop changing your name!

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: never!

2005-06-12 [RiverStar]: you are going to be one of those children who drives me nuts aren't you?

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: maybe...

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...but it seems that's already been done...

2005-06-12 [RiverStar]: *laughs* me annoyed? not yet...takes more than that

2005-06-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: noooo... I mean, you're already nuts!

2005-06-13 [RiverStar]: of course...anyone could have already told you that...i'm completely else can you handle the nuts at et?

2005-06-13 [Sagacious Turkey]: that sounded naughty... you're naughty!

2005-06-13 [RiverStar]: *laughs* well as billy joel once said "only the good die young"

2005-06-13 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL sanity or normality is no fun

2005-06-13 [iippo]: *is slightly insulted* I am perfectly normal and sane and loads of fun. :\


2005-06-13 [iippo]: XD XD XD XD XD  Muuuahahahahahhahahaah! *goes to write her entry*

2005-06-13 [RiverStar]: *thawks iippo* write child write!!

2005-06-13 [Sagacious Turkey]: oh the humanity!

2005-06-14 [RiverStar]: I'm looking forward to many entries this time around

2005-06-15 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Wait... I thought judges couldn't enter a submission to the catagory they judged.... *siddles away from iippo to keep from becoming sane*

2005-06-15 [RiverStar]: no you can' you can enter an art piece because you are judging stories...iippo can enter stories still because she's judging art.

2005-06-15 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh I thought she was the other Story judge, *peeps at Judges list* ooops... hehehe

2005-06-15 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Do you like it? If you want any changes to how they should do it, let me know.

2005-06-15 [RiverStar]: looks good

2005-06-15 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Thanks

2005-06-24 [Dom-Chan]: hey every1, im new, hoping to write an entry for the next idea

2005-06-24 [RiverStar]: great! welcome aboard!

2005-06-24 [iippo]: w000000t!!! Dom-Chan is here!

2005-06-24 [RiverStar]: another one of your recruits, iippo?

2005-06-24 [iippo]: Indeed. I wonder who here isn't one of them... :P

2005-06-24 [RiverStar]: hahaha good question

2005-06-24 [RiverStar]: hahaha good question...but i think a few are mine...lady is mine...

2005-06-24 [iippo]: I really should keep working on my account.

2005-06-24 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I think I might now a recruit or two....

2005-06-24 [RiverStar]: *smiles* good

2005-07-04 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Too bad they are busy right now

2005-07-17 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Hey everyone! New to the contest. Nobody's recruit, but hello all.

2005-07-17 [RiverStar]: Yeah! Welcome abroad! Just out of curiosity's sake how did you hear about us?

2005-07-17 [Tails Of the Revolution]: accidentally, actually. Attempting to find a wiki on which to put a new story, and the name happened to be taken by you guys.

2005-07-17 [RiverStar]: *laughs* Way kewl!

2005-07-17 [Tails Of the Revolution]: haha... thanks.

2005-07-17 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Welcome, I can't wait to read some of what you write.

2005-07-18 [Tails Of the Revolution]: thanks for the welcome, and same to you.

2005-07-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: well, you can read what I write, but it's not entered, I'm one of the writing judges.

2005-07-18 [RiverStar]: *laughs*

2005-07-18 [Tails Of the Revolution]: *Laughs* This is twice now.

2005-07-19 [iippo]: *laughs* Three times the charm!

2005-07-19 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: huh? *is lost*

2005-07-19 [RiverStar]: Lady....interimulation said the same thing to me...that he couldn't wait to read what I wrote.

2005-07-19 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: She.... Oh, ok.... I didn't see that...

2005-07-19 [RiverStar]: it was in private messages...that's why

2005-07-19 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh ok....

2005-07-26 [Dom-Chan]: i was at iippo's recruitment drive lol, i couldn't resist hehe

2005-07-27 [RiverStar]: hahaha

2005-07-27 [iippo]: August 15??? Has the deadline been pushed or was it that already earlier? Now I have plenty of time to polish up my story!!! Yay!!!!

2005-07-27 [RiverStar]: it was always that....i set it in middle month instead of end because we started this round late

2005-07-27 [iippo]: so uber. *toddels off to inform ally, to whom she accidentally told it was the end of the month*

2005-07-27 [RiverStar]: hehehe

2005-07-29 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: yeah we did start a bit late... oops

2005-08-16 [iippo]: Now no excuses! Everybady enters!

2005-08-16 [RiverStar]: *laughs* Or I will send my iippo at you all with a whip! Mwuahaha!

2005-08-19 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL that's scary

2005-08-28 [iippo]: Hmm, I've done a piece for this, but I want to try to improve it and suchness... So I won't submit yet but I'll deff. enter.

2005-08-28 [RiverStar]: Yeah! Great!

2005-09-05 [iippo]: iippo's entry ?

2005-10-21 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Sorry I've been gone....

2005-11-02 [Tzigareta]: hi, I'm new here, can you tell me when the results come out? thx

2005-11-03 [iippo]: Results of... the current one? They come out after the deadline. If you watch this page, you'll notice. And past results can be viewed in What if...Judging Crit, organized by date.

2005-11-15 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Well, I sent in a submission...

2005-11-16 [iippo]: I can see that that is a subtle hint for us judges to get our work done... XD

2005-11-16 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Actually, it doesn't seem to be up here.

2005-11-17 [iippo]: No need, the links go straight to the judges. So all the judges will have your entry. I dunno how come really, since the other entrants can't read the entries. We used to make a separate writing-entry page after each contest, wonder what happened to those

2005-11-17 [RiverStar]: my laziness

2005-11-19 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Oh, that's fine. And I've deleted the other link now too.

2006-02-19 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Sooooo...judging still in progress...lovely day today...

2006-02-20 [iippo]: Sorry, this have died slightly due to RiverStar buggering off.

2006-02-24 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Meh, no prob. I can wait. I know you'll do better than this other contest I entered on another site; I waited for a year and it was never judged. O.O

2006-03-04 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I'm back.... again.... should be to stay, we have internet and a comp now

2006-03-04 [iippo]: Ooo thank God, maybe we can kick this thing back to life.

2006-03-05 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Hopefully. I take it Riva's been gone...

2006-03-05 [iippo]: Pretty much left completely. I can manage the arty side, but the writing thing not so much.

2006-03-05 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I can handle that\

2006-03-05 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I can handle that

2006-03-06 [iippo]: Then how bouts we sort this thiing out and make a new what if-topic :)

2006-03-08 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Ok...

2006-03-24 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Wow. Conveniently nough, I just randomly decided to revisit ET today, and have rediscovered a worthwhile reason to stay. So, if the offer's still good, I'd love to stay.

2006-03-24 [iippo]: Stay [Tails Of the Revolution]. :) Would you be doing an art or writing entry?

2006-03-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: YES YES YES!!! Enter, enter!

2006-03-25 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Writing. Unless you like stick figures.

2006-03-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Stick figures are good.... but stories might be better.....

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